Browse Items (802 total)
Our work on the Fourth Regional Plan began by talking with and listening to people from across the region. What we
heard was that people loved living here, but also had some serious concerns. Housing was too expensive. Commutes were long and…
We’re at a watershed moment in the design of our cities, and it’s all being caused by a new technology: driverless cars. No other innovation will impact the urban landscape and the ways people experience cities as thoroughly in the coming years. And…
This year marks the 80th anniversary of Newark Liberty International Airport. In commemoration of this event, the Newark Public Library is pleased to present EWR Turns 80: A History of Newark Liberty International Airport. This landmark exhibition of…
Newark is at a crossroads in its history. Like so many other former industrial cities, Newark spent the second half of the last century in economic decline, as business and residents left for the suburbs. The city’s woes were compounded by its own…
Transportation is the backbone of the region’s economy and essential to the quality of life for all
residents. Yet the region has outgrown an aging transportation system that is increasingly unreliable and unable to respond to changing needs,…
We are planning the $1.7B PATH extension to the Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) announced in 2017 with a proposed completion date of 2026. Our Spring graduate design studio is a collaborative redevelopment planning project with the City of…
The project attempts to leverage the proposed extension of the PATH station into transit-oriented redevelopment for the Dayton-Weequahic Park neighborhood. The goal of the proposal is to develop an Aerotropolis New Town that connects to Newark and…
Newark stands at an historic junction. Behind it lies a half-century of tough
readjustment, as the global economy shifted and northern New Jersey was forced to
transition away from traditional heavy industry. Yet before it stands the possibility of…
On February 22, 2012, five members of the faculty at NJIT's College of Architecture and Design (COAD) shared their ideas
at "Think Pieces'. "This promises to be a stimulating and fascinating evening," said COAD Dean Urs Gauchat. "Students will…

The B'Nai Jeshurum Temple is a school and religious temple before its demolish in May 21, 1911 it was the oldest Jewish congregation in Newark, NJ. The school was located at 783 High Street, Newark, NJ. The school building was about $275,000 to…

These .pdf documents are intended to support the City of Newark and NJ TRANSIT in their effort to deploy Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) throughout Newark and its neighboring municipalities. It was written by faculty, staff and graduate students at both the…

New Jersey review of charities and corrections. ... v.5 (1906)
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