The Essex Building was used by Essex County College in 1968 when the school was first established. It is currently used as the Essex County Office of the Public Defender.
The Executive House is made up of three residences, the Dodd House, the Day/Parker House, and the Gevers Houses. Around the 1950's, these were used together as one rooming house, called the Executive House.
The Feigenspan Mansion was the home of Christian Feigenspan, a brewery owner who manufactured the "Pride of Newark" beer. Feigenspan became famous for winning the silver medal at the 1891 Paris Exhibition. The mansion is also noted for being built to…
Fenster Hall houses administrative offices, classrooms and computer labs in a highly flexible loft space. It extends the campus image to MLK Boulevard and forms a backdrop for Eberhardt Hall.
The First Baptist Peddie Memorial Church is located in a significant urban position, at the intersection Broad Street and Central Avenue and the tip of Military Park. As a result, its presence in this urban scenography contributes to create a…
The original portion of the church was built in 1891 using stones from the historic 1790 Crane farmhouse. In 1910, William S. Gregory designed the expansion for the church.
The Gateway Office Complex is made up of 4 buildings, Gateway 1, 2, 3, and 4, which are all connected by skywalks and pedestrian malls. Gateway 1 was completed in 1971 and Gateway 2 was completed in 1972. Both were designed by Victor Gruen…
The Glencoe Mansion is located on the easterly side of Martin Luther King Boulevard, formerly known as High Street. High Street was one of the most prominent locations of Newark with high end residential buildings occupied by affluent families. The…