A close-up of a crew working on a new crosswalk for the City of Newark's Imprinted Decorative Crosswalk Program. The new crosswalks will enhance the beauty of Newark's streets while adding to their safety for pedestrians and motorists alike.
Veterans of the Armed Forces and New Jersey Transit workers show off Military Park Station's new name on November 11, 2004. The Newark City Subway Station was re-named at a ceremony to avoid confusion with a Broad Street Station being built on its…
Joined by NJ Transit, county, and city dignitaries, Newark Mayor Sharpe James (in the hardhat) cuts the ribbon to ceremonially re-open Mulberry Street on January 4, 2005. After 18 months of construction beneath the closed street, the first rail…
An exhibition at the Newark Public Library, October 16-December 31, 1989. Poster Design : George Gill. Adapted from original art by A. E. Foringer, 1916.
A collection of images from a parade on Broad Street. Part of the Almon W. Johnston photographer Newark (N.J) Board of Education collection available at the Newark Public Library
Nick's market, street parked cars, coca cola sign, C H barbecue, food market. ite of Hillock 30' high with small house on top, cleared for these bldgs. Hillock in rear.