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One of the three major department stores in Newark around the turn of the 20th century. The store was located between the Morris Canal, now Raymond Blvd., and Cedar Street. The building occupied an entire block. The store was founded by Sebastian…


Constructed in 1892 to house the William V. Snyder Company Dry Goods Store, the building was converted to McCrory's five and dime department store in the 1940s. McCrory's modernized the structure’s facade to the Art Moderne style as well as…


The Wiss Company was the Newark based manufacturer of scissors and sheers and a retail jeweler. This was an L-shaped, 10 story building of white stone, terracotta, and pressed metal.

The Woolworth building has an L-shaped plan with two principal facades, one on Market St. and one on Broad St.

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The New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), opened about 10 years after the idea was first introduced by then-Governor Thomas H. Kean. The firms Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, and James Stewart Polshek & Partners jointly developed a master plan for…

Elvings Metropolitan Theatre was Newark's only Yiddish theater, which was built and operated by Bernard and Israel Elving.

Formerly stood at 252 South Orange Avenue.


Formerly stood at 115 Market Street.


This is a one bay, three story, L-shaped building that takes the form of a minaret. In 1930 the building won a Broad Street Association award for architectural harmony.
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