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  • Tags: trolly system

1902 Trolly on Central Avenue between Broad and Washington streets.jpg
Slide showing a 1902 ""Jigger"" trolley that ran on Central Avenue between Broad and Washington Streets.

Backward Glances in Newark from 1946 to 1900s.jpg
Poster labeled ""Backward Glances in Newark"" showing old photos and methods of transportation in Newark.

Market and Broad Street early 20th century.jpg
Photo of Market Street looking west from Broad Street. Year unknown, estimated as early 20th century, noted in Newark public Library as 1946.

Market street birds view early 20th century.jpg
A bird's-eye view photograph taken from the roof of the Essex County Court house. Year unknown, estimated as early 20th century, noted in Newark public Library as 1946.

The Trolley Electric Vehicle.jpg
Slide showing ""The Trolley Electric Vehicle”". Year unknown, estimated as early 20th century, noted in Newark public Library as 1946.

The Firemens Insurance Company 1916-01.jpg
The Firemen’s Insurance Company moved to this building, also located on Broad and Market this building also features a statue of a firemen on the roof.

The Lefcourt Building YRunkown-01.jpg
In the image the Raymond-Commerce Building stands left to the old city market. The Art Deco building was designed by Newark architect Frank Grad. To the right, the National Newark and Essex building (744 broad Street building), the tallest structure…

Hahne Compnay YRunknown-01.jpg
Hahne & Company was the oldest department store in Newark. It began operations in 1858, it began handling general merchandise in the 1870s. The Building pictured was opened on Labor Day 1901. Women who come to Newark with their carriages came to…

The Pennsylvania Railroad Station YRunkwon-01.jpg
The Pennsylvania Rail Road station was located southwest of the present Penn Station on the opposite side of Market Street. This building had a roof that sheltered passengers from weather while waiting for trolleys and carriages. The tracks were…

Broad Street-01.png
Trolleys travel along the street, a horse and wagon travel along side them. The Hahne department store is to the left, Trinity Episcopal church on the right.

Broad Street- Parks Place and Military Park-01.png
Military Park bordered by Broad Street and Park Place. Automobiles are replacing carriages and wagons. The number of pedestrians and Trolly cars are arriving in Newark more frequently to visit stores. Nearly every store has an awning sheltering parts…

Market street and Millitrary Park-01.png
The street is filled with trolleys, people, and horse wagons. Stores on the left include Ludwig Bauman & Company and Donald Dignified Credit. The trolley travels towards South Orange

Market Street -01.png
Taken from the direction of the Essex Country Courthouse, the streets are still cobblestoned to accommodate horses and wagons. The Trolleys are heading to South Orange, a delivery horse wagon on the right.

Market Street east from Broad Street-01.png
A view looking east toward Broad Street, traffic clogs Market Street with two trolleys passing each other. The trolley on the left no.729 Trolly is labeled Kinney, the one to the right is heading towards Pennsylvania Railroad Station. The large white…
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