Robert Treat Hotel
Robert Treat Hotel
Robert Treat Center
The Robert Treat Hotel is one of the finest examples of Renaissance Revival in Newark. Designed by the architectural firm of Gilbert and Betelle in 1916, the hotel was named after Robert Treat, the founder of Newark. This 14-story building is situated in a prime location across from Military park. The street facade of the tower has a tripartite configuration with a base, body and attic. The rusticated cast stone base encompasses the first four floors of the building and is articulated with two-story arches that form the entrance arcade. These arches are surrounded by an alternating vermiculated and smooth voussoirs rthythm that culminates in a figurehead keystones at the top of the arches. The main body of the building is a six-bay window plane with plain brick in Flemish bond and has no sculptural details except for the terra cotta window sills. The upper portion of the facade stands out primarily for its mammoth copper entamblature with a richly decorated frieze and wrought-iron balconies of the attic. A typical floor of the hotel had 25 rooms with private bathrooms and closets. The hotel was famous for its modern facilities that included among others, an ice-making plant, various shops, a central vacuuming system and high speed electric dumbwaiters.
Condition History
In 1964, this hotel was converted to an office building. Also, at this time, another building was added, abutting the northern end of the hotel. The interior layout of the original Robert Treat Hotel was altered to accommodate the new program.
National Register of Historic Places, Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey.
National Register of Historic Places, Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey.
Renaissance Revival
Gilbert and Betelle, “Robert Treat Hotel,” DANA, accessed February 13, 2025,
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